You can’t always choose what happens
to you in life, but you can choose
to be healthy
and get rewarded for it
We believe that whether your clients are healthy or living with a chronic condition
they have the power to change the way they behave, which is why, we have tailored solutions specific
to your clients’ needs and lifestyle.
Here is what’s in it for healthy clients… Or do you have clients living with a chronic condition?
With Vitality Rating they can receive immediate value through an additional
premium discount of up to 15% on qualifying benefits. If your clients are
healthy, they can lock-in their Vitality Rating discount for whole of life while
being able to earn significant financial rewards over time for managing
their health and wellness. If they are living with a condition that previously prevented them from
receiving comprehensive life cover, then the Managed Care Integrator
offers qualifying clients the opportunity to get a minimum discount of 10%
on their health loadings for life, severe illness and disability cover. If your
clients are living with Diabetes, HIV or are overweight you can now offer
them a competitive premium through the Managed Care Integrator.
Discovery Life is an authorised financial services provider. Registration number 1966/003901/06. Terms and conditions apply.