MONEY STYLE GUIDE by #fabpreneurMAG the Romantic | 页面 4



Copyright © 2015 by Paulina Her

Design: Paulina Her

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This publication is a supplement to the Money Style Quiz which can be found on


Results achieved by reading the Money Style Guide (publication) and following its advice cannot be guaranteed as they depend on a high number of unique and variable factors. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from reading and applying the information contained in this publication. The information in this publication is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional financial, psychological, medical or otherwise professional advice. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained or available in this publication is for information purposes only. The author of this publication DOES NOT OFFER FINANCIAL or PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THE LINKS in this publication are for information purposes only and not offered as financial or psychological advice, guidance or treatment. Any advice given in the Money Style Guide publication does not replace that given to you by your own financial adviser or medical care provider and you are completely responsible for seeking appropriate financial and medical advice, guidance and treatment. Paulina Her is not personally responsible for any advice given in this publication and you read and apply the information at own risk and acknowledging that you take full responsibility for your own finances, health and well-being.

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