and most of their prayers are centred around financial breakthroughs, business breakthroughs, job promotions etc etc.

Studies have shown that most people are extremely prayerful and pious when they’re having financial challenges but the second their financial problems are solved, their passion for prayer is usually dashed out of the nearest window. This is the reason why Karl Marx said and I quote that “Religion is the opium of the poor”.

The reason why I decided to call this magazine “Money Speaks” is because money does speak. It may be saying different things to different people but be rest assured that your money is definitely speaking.

To some people money is saying “hey you, you need more of me”, to other’s it is saying hey! “you need to give some of me away to the less fortunate”, to other’s it is saying “You need to invest me into something solid such as property or gold before I run out”. Money is saying different things to so many people and for those people who are listening to what “money” is telling them, and obeying it, their financial futures and that of their children will be secured. But for those that refuse to listen to the voice of money and its instruction, their economic futures are indeed bleak. In this edition we will look at the investment opportunities that are available across the country, and discuss how we can all take advantage of these opportunities and use them as effective vehicles to secure and protect our money from the effects of inflation and currency devaluation.