If the recent events in Cyprus have taught us anything, it is that our money is no longer safe in the banks. To think that in 2013 a situation could arise in a civilised European country such as Cyprus that would cause the banks (under the instruction of the Government), to freeze the accounts of its clients and not give them access to their hard earned money is truly frightening. It certainly has the hallmarks of the apocalyptic Orwellian world in which the basic freedoms of individuals has become a thing of the past and the Government are the ones who now decides everything from where you should live, who you should marry, what you should eat, the number of children you can have and so forth.
Perhaps George Orwell’s description of the future has proven to be prophetic after all because this is certainly the reality facing the modern world. The European crisis is far from over and the monetary experiment known as the “Euro” hasn’t seen the last of turbulence and uncertainty. The American Dollar is equally in similar circumstances, and the quantitative easing exercise by the Federal Reserve Bank which is currently dumping tens of billions of printed “paper” dollars into the American economy on a monthly basis in an attempt to jump start the economy is nothing short of a time bomb waiting to explode.