Money Matters December-February 2016/17 | Page 4

From the


s we have seen the weather begin to change, we have seen our staff here at the SMMC change, as well. Mid-semester, we said good-bye to one of our original interns, Quanah Cruz. At the end of the semester, Demesha Brimidge will move on to a full time job with the State of Texas. With the new year, we also welcome a new intern to our team, Joseph Navapraditar.

Just as members of our office are moving on, many of you will be moving on as well. Here at the SMMC, we want you to know that we are always here to help. Sharing our personal financial knowledge and experiences through our services and programs is important to us. We hope to continue reaching students, current and past alike, and making the SMMC newsletter a valuable resource for financial literacy!




The average dollar bill is meant to take up to 4,000 folds in each direction before it rips.

A US dollar bill weighs one gram.

New pennies cost over 1.67 cents each to make.


Cyle Zimmerman

