The Modest Mommy
Dressing the Rectangular Body Type
This is the third part in our series of dressing certain body types and we’ve come to the Rectangular
shape. This one can sometimes be a challenge to dress with today’s trends, but stocking your closet
with timeless pieces will not only make you look fabulous, but will also be easy on your wallet. That’s not
to say you can’t be trendy either, so let’s take a look at what you should wear.
Am I square?
First, you may be wondering what a rectangular body shape is. Luckily it’s just like the name says – a
rectangular body is where your shoulders, natural waste and widest point of your hips are more or less
the same size, and many tend to be on the slim side. Your best features are usually your arms and legs,
and the best part is you’re not looking to minimize any part of you. This body shape can often be very
athletic looking, so many of the tips we gave on the athletic body shape, or upside down triangle, will
apply to you as well, but here’s a few specifics just for you.
Balance is Key
As with all body shapes, we’re looking to achieve balance between your top and bottom halves
and are going for the ever so coveted hourglass figure look. Some Do’s are going to be anything that
creates volume or accentuates your top and bottom halves. Some things to look for are shirts that
are structured with a collar or ruffles on the top, scoop necks that add curves, and long jackets that
make you look lean. Anytime you can wear your shirt untucked with a small belt around your natural
waist, go for it! This will add the illusion of volume to your bottom half and give a defined waist, even
if you don’t have one. You’re also free to experiment with color, patterns, ruffles, and rouching on the
bottom half! Any details on dresses that have cinching or eye catching patterns around your waist
are fabulous as well, because once again it’s creating the illusion of a smaller waist and drawing the
eye there.
Work It
The main Don’t you’ll want to pay attention to is avoiding any overwhelming styles. Like I mentioned
before, this body shape is a little harder to dress with today’s trend of large flowing shirts and super
short skirts, but there are some items you can rely on. It’s important, regardless of what body shape
you are, to not overdo style, but rather pick 1-2 key pieces that you want to highlight or 1-2 trendy
pieces to mix with your classic styles. For a rectangular shape, skinny jeans are great because they
create the illusion of wider hips, but pairing them with a top that’s overly voluminous may not work
for you. Instead, pair them with a shirt that has ruffled sleeves or a longer blouse that’s belted at your
waste. Just remember that for your shape less is more when it comes to style.
As always, have fun and feel beautiful! The right outfit can’t replace the beauty that God has
created you to have nor the confidence that every woman should feel but clothes are a fun way to
express your individual style, so rock it girl!