good song, it makes everything worth it.”
Mom and compare myself to them,” says
and passion as a wife and mother, and
If you follow Dave and JJ on social media,
JJ. “At the same time I look at other singer/
how thankful I am for the Christian music
you’ll clearly see how devoted they are to
songwriters and compare myself to them.
artists whose words inspire us to keep
their family. JJ shared her wisdom with us
It’s an impossible situation.” Dave brought it
pressing forward towards our goals and
about how they’ve continued their singing
to her attention and said to stop putting so
purpose in this life. His wisdom has shown
career while having two small children by
much pressure on herself. “You can only do
me “What Love Really Means” and has
placing boundaries around their family.
what you can do and leave it at that,” said
taught me to use that in every area of my
JJ shared a sweet part of her growth
Dave. They continually strive to pray for
life. And as I raise my girls to have hearts for
with us that all of us Moms can relate to.
wisdom and that they would make good
the Lord, I know that He has given me the
“The concept of boundaries was quite
choices in terms of their career and how
tools and wisdom not only to guide them
revolutionary for me a few years ago,”
much they need to be home. At the end
towards their dreams, but also to live out
shares JJ. “For most of my life, I mistakenly
of the day, it comes down to trust that He’s
the ones that He has placed in my heart
made the assumption that God wanted me
going to fill in the gaps for them.
along the way. ◘
to say “yes” to every service opportunity.
As I sit here listening to the music of Dave
I thought a real Christian would give her
and JJ Heller on my phone, I think of how
time and energy away until she had none
beautifully God has given me both wisdom
left to give. Praise the Lord I know better
now! I’m learning that God comes first,
then my family, then my career. Sometimes
this means saying “no” to a gig, a radio
station visit, or even a benefit concert for
a really good cause. I’m learning how to
let go of other people’s expectations of
me, and trust in the wisdom God’s given
my husband and me to make choices on
behalf of our family. I’m not gonna lie. It’s
super hard to make sure it’s all working,
but the Lord is so good to us. He’s showing
me that it