Momology Magazine Issue 2.3 Dallas - Wisdom | Page 4

™ ® P E P E R C E C T LM IM I X E D ,E P E R C E C T LM A TA T C H E D RFE F TLY Y XED, P RFE F TLY Y M CHED FROM THE PUBLISHERS TEAMOLOGY HIS WISDOM FOR OUR LIVES School is officially out for summer and, while we can’t seem to get a break from the rain lately, many families are already planning their summer vacations, or staycations. I don’t know what summer means for you and your family, or if you have great, or any memories at all, of summertime when you were growing up, but for me summer is almost like a season of rest. In school it’s meant to be a time where you pause from learning and take a break. The weather is warmer and there are a myriad of outdoor activities available for kids [adults] of every age. TRACI HUHN ART DIRECTOR AMANDA HENSLEY MARKETING DIRECTOR TRACI COKER ADVERTISING DIRECTOR We invite you to take this summer as an opportunity to pause from your regular commitments, that you can pause from, and evaluate where you are in your life right this moment; mommy-to-be, mom of toddlers, mom of teenagers, empty nester, grandma. Take regular breaks and Sabbath days where you ask God what direction His will would have you go. Take this time to seek His WISDOM for your life. We hope you, as always, find encouragement between the covers of Momology 2.3, find interesting new businesses you haven’t tried yet in our advertisers, and feel a sense of renewal and understanding that we moms are Perfectly Mixed, Perfectly Matched, right where you are and with who calls you Mom. We pray that you have a blessed summer, and don’t start counting down to the start of school too soon. JOHN LEWIS EDITOR IN CHIEF DAVID H. DARBY EDITOR-AT-LARGE ANDREA GAUL STAFF WRITER ALISON SCOTT STAFF WRITER TERI DARBY Traci, Amanda & Traci GRAPHIC DESIGNER OWNERS, ANNMICHELLE PUBLISHING CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: ROBYN WHITAKER AnnMichelle PUBLISHED BY: TRACI HUHN Managing Partner AMANDA HENSLEY Managing Partner TRACI COKER Managing Partner Momology Magazine is a bimonthly publication of AnnMichelle Publishing. AnnMichelle Publishing is not responsible for any omissions or misrepresentations submitted to the magazine. Advertisers represented in this publication and their agencies assume all liability for the content of advertisements and photos. Opinions, advertisements, and articles expressed do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the publisher or AnnMichelle Publishing’s employees, contractors or volunteers. Be advised many writers featured in this publication are not necessarily professionals but moms writing from personal experience and should be read as such. Reproduction or transmittal of any part of this publication is prohibited without express permission in writing from the publisher. AM ANNMICHELLE PUBLISHING JOIN THE MOMOLOGY COMMUNITY: