Momology Magazine Issue 2.3 Dallas - Wisdom | Page 30

PACK IT FOR THE POOL SUMMER IS HERE! These are the days where our kids will want to spend hours upon hours at the local pool, water park, or beach. If you’re like me, I hate eating out on days like this because it gets expensive, and the last thing that sounds good after spending all day in the sun is a greasy drive through cheeseburger or carbonated beverage. That’s just asking for an upset stomach. Health studies have shown the WATER importance of nutrition in not only every HARD BOILED EGGS aspect of our lives, but also how quickly Yes there’s water all around you, but you I always keep a container of hard boiled your body recovers from exposure to heat become dehydrated more quickly when eggs in my fridge for when you need a and dehydration. you’re in water being cooled off because quick bite of protein to get you going and you don’t notice the hydration leaving you. provide lots of energy. Boil a bunch and easy to pack up, but also healthy and Drink up! put them right back in the carton. Just beneficial to your pool or beach-side day, Image Source: make sure you label them! They last up to We’ve found 5 items that are not only because let’s face it, the last thing you a week pre-boiled. Peel and toss them in want is to be slaving in the kitchen when a container ready for the pool, just make you’re trying to catch some waves! sure you keep them cool! Image Source: Have a blast families, and don’t forget your sunscreen! WATERMELON VEGGIES & DIP PINWHEELS What better way to get even more water Yes chips and dip are tempting as well, These are such filling bites that can be into your family than through nice sweet but make sure you pack some veg to dip packed with protein and little bread, so watermelon! Cut it ahead of time so you too. Chips are very salty and will draw out you don’t eat a bunch of empty carbs with don’t have any sharp objects packed with moisture even more than the heat, causing every bite. You can readily get spinach you and tote it along in freezer sized food you to lose even more water. Swimming tortillas/wraps at your local grocery store storage bags. They can go right on top of works up an appetite as it is so fill your now as well so sneaking in a few extra the food and drinks in the ice chest and kiddos (husbands) up with healthy stuff servings of greens is easier than ever. Wrap be nice and cold when your crew is ready while their chowing away. Use hummus up fresh deli meat like turkey breast, swiss for a refreshing snack. The natural sugars instead of ranch dip to get even more cheese, a sour cream and cucumber will give them something sweet and won’t protein into your crew. sauce or dressing and any vegetables you make them crash later either for a hangry Image Source: like and you’re set! They store easily in air ride home. tight co