Tracy says this was the absolute hardest conversation she’s ever had.
“Hannah certainly tested my faith, my confidence as a parent, and
my ability to provide clarity during a very unclear time for her.” Later
that day, Hannah had a few more questions.
“She wanted to know how I knew her daddy was with her,” said Tracy.
She told Hannah to close her eyes and think about something he
would say. She did, to which she smiled and giggled. “See! That’s how
you know Daddy is always with you – thinking about him made you
smile and giggle.” Hannah wondered if it could happen again, and
tried it once more, this time with a mirror up to her face. She instantly
lit up with a smile and said, “There’s Daddy! He made my face smile.”
In that moment, Tracy knew Hannah understood and that she was
going to be okay. In preparing for the funeral, Tracy talked with
Hannah about the types of things she would see (an open casket, her
father’s body, people crying, people smiling, people laughing and
telling stories about her father.) She explained to her daughter that she
would see her dadd