Mommy's Time Out Magazine September Issue | Page 22

For this craft you will need the following;

1 box (A soda can box is perfect, although my 13yr old is using a shoe box to make a Hummer Limo bus)

White Paper

Black Paper

Yellow Paint



I like doing my crafting in the evenings, in between football, dinner, homework, and tired children. This is because it’s the only time I can drink wine, and I have to drink wine while crafting. I actually don’t craft at all, I just drink wine, but let’s pretend there’s crafting involved for the sake of everyone involved.

Begin by painting the box yellow and leaving it to dry. I suggest using a thivk yellow paint to cover the words on the box or priming it first. After it’s dry we are going to cut two rectangles out of the white paper we have on the side. They should be about half the height of the box and a bit shorter than the length. Now comes the fun, at least for my teenagers. Draw a line of people’s faces on each one then gluing them to the sides of the box as our windows. If you have teenagers, like I do, please monitor them during this phase of the craft. They tend to get “creative”, but their creativity can sometimes come with a tiny bit of concern for those little ones under the age of 6.

By this time in the craft you should be on your second bottle of wine and at least one child should be crying. Take another rectangle and use it as the bus window where an adult should draw the driver. Do not let the teenager draw the driver. The four year old is fine to draw as long as the teenager is nowhere around. Glue this to the bus, cut another one, use it for the rear window, and glue it on the back of your bus.

Next will be to cut 4 circles for wheels from the black paper we have sitting aside. Also cut a rectangle from the black paper and use as the radiator on the front of the bus. Glue your tires and radiator to the bus.

At this point your second bottle should be empty and multiple children should be running around yelling, crying, and laughing at the same time. Now is the time to finish the crafty bus before the second bottle wears off. Draw the doors, headlights, number plates, and writing school along each side with colored pencils or markers.

The image to the left is what the finished product should resemble. You cannot see mine. The teenagers made sure I would never show mine to anyone. Ever.

I hope you all enjoyed this glimpse into my world and our craft time, (mommy’s wine time). This project is easy, fun, and simple enough for me to do, which means anyone can do it too. Enjoy Ladies!!!

If you make the craft, send your pictures to:

[email protected] to be featured in the next issue!