Mommy's Time Out Magazine September Issue | Page 15

laugh it off with mandy frint

Whether you’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom, single mom, mom of one or five, mom of an infant, or a mom of older kids, one thing is for sure--this whole “mom” thing is HARD! I try to remember that a good mom has bad days and great days, days that you’re just glad you survived, and other days that you feel like supermom. Many of us have different ways of handling this whole mom gig. A few friends of mine swear by yoga or a good workout to get through the tougher times. Some of us celebrate making it to the end of the day with a glass (or two!) of wine. I have found that laughter for me is what works the best. Below are some of my favorite pictures of things that have totally made me laugh out loud about being a mom and I hope they do the same for you!