Mommy's Time Out Magazine March 2017 | Page 2


Hi ladies!

So last month I asked you if you had any suggestions on how we can make this (now quite large) group function even better! You offered some great suggestions and I’m pleased to share some details with you!

-The gala is BACK! We WILL be holding another gala to benefit Love McKinley. In order to fit more easily into our schedule and that of the charity’s, we will be holding the gala in the spring instead of fall. Our tentative date is 2/10/18!

-We know that our group is large and the volume of some of our events can be daunting to new members. Once monthly we will be holding a breakfast for members who have joined in the past month or two so they can meet in a smaller group before being tossed into the masses, so to speak! Thanks to our awesome welcome coordinator Rebecca Milbank for spearheading this!

-Similarly, we are going to make a more conscious effort to facilitate outings and play dates for those with older kids and those with babies and infants. We will hold periodic breakfasts, walks and coffee dates for moms with babies and Tara Duarte is going to continue to schedule a few play dates a month that fall outside of school hours for school aged kids. Thank you, Tara!

-We have come up with some great options for our largest and most popular annual event – Sunday with Santa! With almost 300 members, we definitely realize the need to streamline this very large event. We will of course go into more details at a later date, but our tentative plan is to have two sessions and a beeper/buzzer session to eliminate the line to see Santa. This event always falls on the first Sunday of December – so mark your calendars for December 3!

I know this group is going to continue to grow and thrive! If you have any further suggestions please don’t hesitate to reach out!

