Mommy's Time Out Magazine February 2018 | Page 17

We have had a great January & McKinley is doing well! She did come down with RSV at the beginning of the month but thankfully I knew what I was dealing with as she started with a cough the day before her clinic appointment and I asked them to swab her. Sure enough RSV and she spiked a fever later that night. I must say giving Tylenol is something I totally took for granted before. Now that I’m able to give that when she gets a fever and not run to the ER feels like a vacation ;)

I have been busy running around collecting auction items and donations for the Love McKinley gala. This is the second time the Lakewood Ranch Moms Group has been gracious enough to host this gala and the Love McKinley, Inc. board could not be more honored. If you weren’t in attendance at the last one you missed an awesome time. On top of raising over $24,000 for the Love McKinley, Inc organization which goes directly towards John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital cancer and blood disorder research as well as supporting local families it was such a fun time. Food, dancing, auction items, lots of drinks flowing & most importantly an incredible group of people supporting a

cause near & dear to the LWRMG

hearts. Use this as your Valentines

celebration & join us! Hope to see

you all there!



McKinley is doing really great. She's loving school, LOVING dance & enjoying being off chemo meds. It really is amazing how much she's grown, how much she's developed & how much more personality she has since she's stopped chemo. All things are looking great which is wonderful news. We've been very busy with advocating & promoting childhood cancer awareness month & attending a lot of events. We did have one scare at this months appointment but all was confirmed negative with an ultrasound. Myself, a few other "cancer moms" & McKinleys oncologist were all concerned about a vein by where her port was placed especially since she had a clot in the past. But all was confirmed ok with a quick ultrasound (Thank God). I'm not sure I'll ever be able to take a deep breath but I do try too. We are praying for a Halloween at home this year (last year we spent 8 days in the hospital fighting a nasty virus over Halloween). And although the nurses & staff came by her hospital room to trick or treat, I'm actually looking forward to sweating & fighting bugs on Halloween night this year. It's the little things 😉 Thank You as always for keeping McKinley in your thoughts & prayers.

