Mommy's Time Out Magazine April 2017 | Page 2


Happy Spring! I can’t believe it’s April already! Before we know it, the kiddos will be out of school and we will be wrapping up another awesome year for our group. For those of you new to us, our calendar year runs in sequence with the school calendar. So our 2017-2018 year will begin on July 1st with a new executive board! I will be reaching out to our current board members to see who will be continuing on with their current position, but from what I know so far it seems like we will have a good number of openings on our board next year. If you’ve been wanting to be more involved then this is your chance! After I hear back from current board members I will post what roles we will have available and open it up to you to volunteer if you’re interested. Becoming involved with the board was a no brainer for me, as this group was instrumental in helping me feel comfortable in this new town and I wanted to do what I could to help it thrive. Being involved has also given me an outlet to do something just for me, not for my kids. Though my work here benefits the kiddos too, so it’s really a win-win! If that sounds like you, then maybe there’s a role on our board that would be perfect for you! We have a new president, vice president and community service chairman coming in and this is going to be an awesome time for fresh faces and ideas! That being said, we still have a couple more months of awesomeness coming your way! I hope you will all join us for our family friendly Easter Egg hunt on the 15th from 3-5pm. Details can be found on our Facebook event page. Please RSVP while you’re there! I’ll be using that number to determine how many goodie bags to make. As a reminder, our eggs are hidden empty (to avoid melting, stuff falling out and animals from getting into any that may be accidentally left behind) and our kiddos will trade in the empty eggs for goodie bags. This also helps kids from getting frantic for the hunt! No matter how many eggs they find, they will all receive the same treat in the end! Coming up right after that is our 3rd annual Mother’s Day Mimosa Brunch! Details are in the works – but rest assured it is happening!

Wishing you all a wonderful Easter!

Jill & Jenn