Momentum - The Magazine for Virginia Tech Mechanical Engineering Vol. 4 No. 1 Spring 2019 | Page 7
Kochersberger has been a flight instructor in
gliders since 1988. "As the managing director
of a fund for scholarships, we weren't finding
motivated students who would benefit from
a flight instruction program," Kochersberger
said. "IMFLY-N! will help find those inter-
ested students who will hopefully become the
next generation of aviation pioneers. People
are invited to learn more on the IMFLY-N!
web site.
Acar publications and talks
Assistant Pro-
fessor Pinar Acar
has published the
following journal
articles since
P. Acar, "Multi-
Scale Computa-
tional Modeling
of Lightweight Aluminum-Lithium Alloys"
Heliyon, in press, 2019.
A. Paul, P. Acar, W. Liao, A. Choudhary, V.
Sundararaghavan, A. Agrawal, "Microstruc-
ture Optimization with Constrained Design
Objectives using Machine Learning-Based
Feedback-Aware Data-Generation" Compu-
tational Materials Science.
P. Acar, "Eliminating mesh sensitivities in
microstructure design with an adjoint algo-
rithm" Finite Elements in Analysis and
P. Acar and V. Sundararaghavan, "Do
Epistemic Uncertainties Allow for Replacing
Microstructural Experiments with Recon-
struction Algorithms?" AIAA Journal.
P. Acar and V. Sundararaghavan, "Stochastic
Design Optimization of Microstructural Fea-
tures using Linear Programming for Robust
Material Design" AIAA Journal.
In addition, Acar was elected to the AIAA
Materials Technical Committee; and the
ASME Structures and Materials Technical
Committee. She chaired "MDO-20: Metamod-
eling and Approximation Methods" in AIAA
SciTech in January 2019, San Diego.
Acar has also given two talks:
"Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic
Optimization for Spatially Varying Composite
Fiber Paths"; and A Transductive Learning
Approach for Identification of Microstruc-
ture-Process Linkages" both at AIAA SciTech
2019 in San Diego.
"Multi-Scale Computational Design of
Materials: Current Challenges and Future
Opportunities" at the Mechanical Engineering
Department at Carnegie Mellon Universi-
ty, Pittsburgh, PA.
Mahan book released
Professor Bob
Mahan's second
book on radiation
heat transfer,
the Monte Carlo
Ray-Trace Meth-
od in Radiation
Heat Transfer and
Applied Optics,
was released Feb.
1. The book offers
the most modern
and up-to-date
approach to
radiation heat
transfer modeling
and performance
of optical in-
struments. The
book was jointly
released by John
Wiley & Sons
Ltd., and ASME