Wing Ng , Christopher C . Kraft Endowed Professor of Mechanical Engineering has recently returned from sabattical research leave during which he traveled and reached out to new contacts in the gas turbine research areas .
Ng visited Xi ' an Jiaotong University as a guest of Professor Jun Li , and at Tsinghua University as the guest of Professor Jing Ren , both of whom are among the top gas turbine researchers in China . While there , Ng gave lectures at both universities and was made an adjunct professor at Xi ' an Jiaotong University .
As part of his visit to industrial centers , Ng gave lectures at and visited Huatsing Gas Turbine Company , and Dongfang Electric Corp ., in Chengdu . He also visited
departmental news
Battaglia honored for
service to ASME FED
During the American Society of Mechanical Engineers joint conference with the divisions of Heat Transfer and Fluids Engineering and the Nano- Micro- and Mini-channels Conference in July , the Fluid Engineering Division celebrated its 90th anniversary and recognized distinguished engineers and scientists who have contributed to the science and practice of fluids engineering .
A banquet commemorated the 90 members who have served as Chair of the FED , including Professor Francine Battaglia , chair from July 2013 to June 2014 and one of only two women to have ever held the position . Former chairs received a certificate and medal for their service .
Ng returns from sabattical research leave
South Korea ' s Doosan Heavy Industries and Construction Co . Ltd . In Japan he was a guest of the Japanese Aerospace and Exploration Agency , as well as Honda Aero Engines in Tokyo where he presented research and gave updates to the two Japanese corporations who have previously funded his research .
" Without the need to teach a class , the research leave provided me with an opportunity to travel extensively , both in U . S . and around the world ," he said .
In addition to her work as chair , Battaglia served on the 90th anniversary steering committee ; she helped organize a special symposium to honor the late Professor Richard Pletcher , who was a leader in computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer ; and she was the lead editor for a special issue of the ASME Journal Fluids Engineering which appears in print in October .
Ng said he believes the trips will pay dividends by providing recognition to Virginia Tech ’ s programs in propulsion and turbomachinery around the world ; laying the groundwork for potential funding from overseas companies in the future ; and through the promotion of the university to exchange students and faculty from overseas who may come to Virginia Tech .