MOMENTUM September 2021 | Page 42

LEEANNE AGUILAR President & CEO Empire Creative
www . empiread . com

BRAND IDENTITY VS LOGO DESIGN : How to Make Your Brand More Than a Logo


LOGO : A logo , or logotype , specifically is “ a graphic representation or symbol of a company name , trademark , abbreviation that has been uniquely designed for ready recognition ” via Dictionary . com . This symbol is then used to identify that company when placed on products & brochures .
A logo is a key element to developing a company image and brand identity . It is in that company ’ s best interest to present the world with a strong logo , company image and brand essence that puts their most professional , respectable foot forward from the start . Thus , it is important to have a logo that is up to the job of developing a brand identity . BRAND : The company logo becomes the brand mark of the company . Properties such as colors , symbols , fonts and graphic elements are pulled from the logo and then enhanced to create the entirety of the brand ’ s visual identity . Those elements become consistently used by the company to create an identity and distinguish the brand among consumers and peers . IDENTITY : A complete brand identity goes beyond the visual properties of the company and moves into a
presentation of the company to the public .
The logo is a key element to the visual brand identity of a company , so it should be designed with careful planning , research and attention to detail . Hiring a professional design and branding agency to create a logo is an investment that will always pay off . The rest of the branded design elements often play off the logo . A graphic designer keeps this in mind when developing a logo so they can then grow the branding elements after the logo is finalized .
Once the logo is designed , it ’ s time to have fun and create a website , business cards , flyers , brochures , catalogs , labels , packaging or anything else that will share the visual brand identity to consumers . During the time of visual identity creation , a company will need to write and develop content that gives the brand a voice . It ’ s time to give the business a personality . It ’ s time to shape the brand .
Customers , and anyone who interacts with the business , will influence the development of the brand , but these intentions need to be clearly laid out . These intentions are voiced in taglines , website content , social media … anywhere that a company and brand is allowed to speak . Take some time to define the company ’ s values , start setting standards for how interactions will be made with consumers .
A true brand identity encompasses the entirety of a company from hopes and dreams , to attitudes and actions , board members , employees and customers . A brand identity is measured by how the world perceives the way these elements collectively work together .
Building a company is a lot of work and it is never ending . Don ’ t expect this to all come immediately , especially if you are working alone . If not working alone or wanting a team of experts to help , reach out to your nearest marketing agency and see what they may be able to assist you with .