MOMENTUM September 2021 | Page 26

https :// jbellteam . pillartopost . com / jennifer . bell @ pillartopost . com | 713-542-9601


There is a lot of talk about New Technologies and no negative impact on the environment as well as sustainable housing initiatives . And while I teach these technologies to my college students , It seems we may have lost sight of the Health of our Homes . By this I mean , our homes harbor more than just our families and possessions . Home is also where pollutants , allergens , and other irritants accumulate and thrive , with possible harmful effects on our health . There are simple steps homeowners can take to improve the air and water quality in their home and increase their comfort and well-being . This month ’ s issue will focus on Water Quality . WATER QUALITY DRINKING WATER Everyone needs water to survive . It is important to be educated on all things related to water quality and testing . Drinking water varies from place to place , depending on the condition of the source water from which it is drawn and the treatment it receives , but it must meet EPA regulations . Even though our tap water supplies are considered to be one of the safest in the world , water contamination can and does still occur . There are many sources of contamination , including :

• Sewage releases
• Pipe / solder water fixtures
• Naturally occurring chemicals and minerals ( for example , arsenic , radon , uranium )
• Local land use practices ( for example , fertilizers , pesticides , livestock , concentrated feeding operations )
• Manufacturing processes ( for example , heavy metals , cyanide )
• Malfunctioning on-site wastewater treatment systems ( for example , septic systems ) Drinking water that is not properly treated or which travels through an improperly maintained distribution system may also create an environment for contamination . WHY TEST FOR WATER QUALITY ? The quality of a water source may change over time , sometimes suddenly . Many changes can go unnoticed as the water may look , smell and taste the same as it always did . In fact , the EPA recommends a Water Quality Test once a year to test for total coliform bacteria , nitrates , total dissolved solids and pH level . Monitoring your water quality is necessary to ensure your treatment
system is working effectively , providing the best quality water for your intended use .
• Regular testing is necessary to determine specific water quality problems .
• To help ensure that your drinking water is safe .
• To help determine the effectiveness of your water treatment system . WELL WATER QUALITY While most people get their water from community water systems , there are still millions who rely on well water at home . Water sourced from a well should be tested on a regular basis for contaminants such as bacteria and metals . If well water coming from the tap tests high for lead , it could be that the water in the well is too acidic , which causes lead to leach from pipes and fixtures . An acid neutralizing system can usually alleviate this problem without the need to replace pipes and fixtures . Other possible well water quality problems can be avoided by making sure wells are located away from septic tanks , livestock , and pooling water runoff . Well maintenance should not be overlooked , so that any issues can be addressed before they cause health problems for the home ’ s occupants .
This new focus on water quality has led many people to consider testing their water . Water quality can easily be tested for metals , bacteria and other contaminants . We all need water to survive and should be concerned with health and environmental impact of what we are putting into our bodies . It is a good idea to water quality test when moving into a new home , whether it is from well water or a public water system .
Please be sure to educate yourself through the United States Environmental Protection Agency and Center for Disease Control websites .