MOMENTUM October 2020 | Page 32

Innovative Alternatives , Inc .
713-222-2525 | http :// innovativealternatives . org


It is difficult to quantify or estimate the toll that

COVID-19 is wreaking on our nation , community , businesses , families and individual lives . The impact is , and will remain , dramatic to all and devastating to many . Innovative Alternatives , Inc . recently advertised 6 open positions and received more than 1,767 applications !
Many businesses adapted , providing online services , curbside and delivery options . Some went from thriving to closing doors permanently . A searchable map displays a loss of 38 % of net revenue in the zip code of 77058 in the Bay Area of only 16,911 residents where Innovative Alternatives ’ corporate office is located . “ This map depicts the change in small business revenue by zip code , measured as the change in revenue on average from March 25th to May 26th as compared to January 2020 … constructed using data from Womply .” ( Opportunity Insights : https :// opportunityinsights . org / small-biz-revenue-zip-map /)
If you are struggling to stay afloat or contemplating closing and want support for yourself and / or employees , please call your Employee Assistance Program to access local service without any cost to your business . If you are just hanging on or doing well , but noticing conflict among your employees , this is a symptom of stress . Perceived threats to livelihood , cause people to compete for the real or perceived shortage of positions when the next series of suspected layoffs may occur . Desperation causes high functioning folks to act in ways you never expect . Refer employees to your EAP for mediation between employees or counseling support for individuals . There is support for the relational health of your business . We know you are smothered just trying to keep our business open , but the health of your people is directly related to the health of your business , now and when you can fully open .
Nothing distracts more from work than problems at home . Even healthy families are under life-altering stress of home schooling , working remotely , illnesses of loved ones and inability to remain with them as they recover or to say goodbye . If mental or relational issues existed prior to COVID , they are undoubtedly escalating . According to the CDC , “ Younger adults , racial / ethnic
minorities , essential workers , and unpaid adult caregivers report disproportionately worse mental health outcomes , increased substance use , and elevated suicidal ideation
( regularly entertaining thoughts of committing suicide , but not yet forming a concrete plan of action ). As a counseling agency , we also know domestic violence and child abuse have also increased . One out of four teens [ and 11 % of adults ] contemplated suicide during the month prior to a CDC article on August 14 , 2020 ( https :// www . cdc . gov / mmwr / volumes / 69 / wr / mm6932a1 . htm ). Business owners who pour lives and fortunes into their businesses may lose more than income and status . Their very identity is at stake at the thought of losing that business . Please do not think your worth is gone if your business is gone . If you were successful once , you can become successful again . Most counseling and mediation agencies transitioned to online platforms to see clients virtually , so there is no need to wait to reach out for help . Call — your family and community need you .
You can receive a free virtual in-service to employees about warning signs to watch for in themselves , those they love and with whom they work , in addition to how and where to refer others for assistance or to obtain it . You might just save a life .