Momentum NJ Magazine - Cathy Coloff January 2024 | Page 10


PART 2 :

Rockefeller Habits Checklist :

Is Your Business On The Path To Sustainable Growth ?


In the previous edition of this magazine , Verne Harnish introduced the first five Rockefeller Success Habits . These included improving your executive team , aligning your company ’ s goals to the No . 1 thing that has to be accomplished each quarter , establishing proper internal communication , accountability for your goals , and collecting employee input . This time , Verne lays out the next five habits and how you can implement them . Continue your improvement by reading more .

ROCKEFELLER HABIT NO . 6 Aligned Reporting And Analysis Of Customer Feedback Data Is As Frequent And Accurate As Financial Data
We implore all executives and middle managers to have a “ 4 Questions ” ( 4Q ) conversation with at least one end user each week . Particularly in business-to-business situations , you may have to bypass your distribution channels and purchasing agents ( with permission ) and talk directly with those benefiting from your products and services .
The 4Q conversation refers to the four questions that we suggest leaders ask customers in person ( not on a survey ):
1 . How are you doing ? 2 . What ’ s going on in your industry / neighborhood ? 3 . What do you hear about our competitors ? 4 . How are we doing ?
The key is to get them to talk about their favorite subject : themselves ! The first question will give you an understanding of their current situation . What are their pain points ? What are their priorities for the coming year ?
The second question offers insight into industry trends in general . What are the newest changes or technologies ? Who is buying whom in the industry ? And if you are talking with consumers , what are they and their neighbors thinking / feeling / talking about ?
The third query is probably the most important because it can help you cut through your own biases .
Only after you ’ ve asked your customers these three questions should you ask about their reactions to your offerings if they haven ’ t shared already . Remember , this call is about them , not you !