MOMENTUM May 2021 | Page 38

JONI ROBERTSON Director of Development Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Texas
281-316-5423 | JROBERTS @ devereux . org www . devereux . org

Mental Health Awareness Month - YOU ARE NOT ALONE

In the United States , millions of youth and adults face mental health challenges every year , such as depression , anxiety , bipolar disorder , and other behavioral health conditions ; but , there is no reason to suffer alone or in silence – help is available . Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May since 1949 .

Even if you are not personally affected by mental illness , it is likely that you know someone who is struggling with mental health issues . The most important thing you can do is show your compassion and support , and let them know that you are there – and you care . Know the Warning Signs According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( NAMI ), mental health conditions are more common than cancer , diabetes , or heart disease . Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U . S . – 43.8 million , or 18.5 % – experience a mental health challenge in a given year , and 1 in 5 youth , ages 13 to 18 , have , or will have , a serious mental illness in their lifetime .
Although each behavioral health condition has its own symptoms , common warning signs can include :
• Excessive sadness or worrying
• Extreme changes in mood , thought , energy or behavior
• Difficulty concentrating
• Inability to carry out daily activities or handle stress
• Avoiding friends or social activities
• Changes in eating or sleeping habits
• Weight loss or weight gain
• Abuse of alcohol or drugs
• Delusions or hallucinations
• Thoughts of self-harm or suicide Monitor Stress Levels For those living with mental health conditions , such as depression , anxiety , and bipolar disorder , uncertainty may cause additional stress and worry .
If stress is preventing you from performing daily tasks , the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) recommend contacting your healthcare provider . How to Cope with Stress If stress becomes too intense , consider these coping strategies :
• Limit news and social media exposure : Take breaks
from watching , reading , or listening to news stories , and limit time spent on social media .
• Take care of your body : Practice mindfulness activities , such as deep breathing . Keep your immune system strong and healthy by eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables ; exercising regularly ; and getting plenty of sleep .
• Make time to unwind : Find time to relax and do something you enjoy . Take a walk ; read a book ; or start a new hobby .
• Connect with others : Do not compromise your social connections . Talk with people you trust about your concerns and how you are feeling . Keeping in regular contact with friends and family can help you feel more connected . Remember , no matter what you or someone you know is going through – help is just a phone call away . Asking for help is the first step in getting the support and resources you need to live a more rewarding and fulfilling life .