MOMENTUM May 2021 | Page 28

JAN LAMAN Harbour Insurance Services Inc
281-520-4090 jan @ myharbourinsurance . com | www . myharbourinsurance . com


It ’ s kind of terrifying to think about the fact that most of our homes are under threat almost all the time , especially with Hurricane Season in the Texas Gulf . While it ’ s not necessarily a guy with a lockpick , the environment around us is certainly prone to creating lots of expensive and preventable problems for home damage . Top home repair tasks If you want to keep your home safe from some of the most common , and expensive , repairs that are needed in hundreds if not thousands of homes , here is a list to help you stay on top of it all ! TREES AND LIMBS

• Weakening limbs and foliage
• Storm-related damage
• Potential damage to roof WATER LEAKS
• Pipes
• Washing machines
• AC units
• Dishwashers WEATHER DAMAGE
• Wind damage
• Rain damage
• Hail damage
• Flood damage Trees and limbs While trees are beautiful decorations for our homes and properties , they can create some damage a lot easier than you ’ d think . First , as trees age , their foliage-laden limbs get weaker and are much more prone to falling on your roof , wires , etc . You ’ ll want to keep annual maintenance and pruning up to date for your trees to nip this problem in the bud -- see what we did there ? Water leaks Most people think of a leaking roof when it comes to water and damage , which is true , but household water leaks are just as common . The list above is some of the most common appliances that create potentially expensive water leak repairs regularly . To help prevent that , make sure all are installed correctly by certified professionals , and also take the time to get them inspected and cleaned more regularly to help spot a problem before it becomes an expensive one !
Weather damage
Of course , you can expect your basic weather-related damage to cause a few problems . From rain to hail to wind , all these things can create long-lasting damage . Before any kind of rain , hail , or wind is expected , do what you can to protect your home and property . Take in any patio furniture or outside decorations , keep your windows firmly closed and locked during a storm , and prioritize annual cleaning of your gutters to make sure that water can run-off away from your home instead of potentially pooling at your foundation and creating a huge mess ! The middle of a storm is never going to be a good time to realize you ’ ve got flying patio chairs or a clogged downspout , after all !
Other considerations
If you are going to be traveling or otherwise away from your home , make sure that someone is checking in on your home while you ’ re gone . Not only will they catch a potential issue and work to fix it before it gets expensive , but it can also thwart issues of theft since there is obvious movement in the home .
Protecting your home may take some thinking and planning , but it doesn ’ t have to be hard !