MOMENTUM May 2021 | Page 22

MICHELLE RAINER Director of Marketing & Sales The Delaney at South Shore
281-724-4057 | rainermichelle @ thedelaneyatsouthshore . com TheDelaneyatSouthShore . com

NINE SIGNS Your Loved One


We ’ ve all had it happen to us . We ’ ve misplaced our car keys or momentarily forgotten someone ’ s name and suddenly had an unwanted thought creep into our head : Are those Alzheimer ’ s symptoms ?

The reality is , we all lead busy lives and forgetting things is a normal function of an overtaxed brain . But what are the real signs of Alzheimer ’ s ? Being able to recognize them can help you get your loved one the treatment they need to live a comfortable life . 1 . Trouble Remembering Things
The warning sign most people associate with Alzheimer ’ s is losing one ’ s memory . It starts with shortterm memories , like losing the car keys or forgetting an appointment , but as the disease progresses , long-term memories will start to become lost too . 2 . Changes in Mood and Personality
If your loved one hasn ’ t been acting like themselves lately , take note of their new behaviors . Mood and personality changes such as becoming easily upset , suspicious , depressed or anxious may be indicators of Alzheimer ’ s . In addition , people who are usually social can become withdrawn , and may experience changes in appetite or lose interest in a favorite hobby . 3 . Breaking the Law
Alzheimer ’ s affects the part of the brain that discerns right from wrong , and stealing or other activities that break the law can be a warning sign . Your loved one may have developed “ sticky fingers ” — but may not recognize that what they ’ re doing is wrong . 4 . Trouble Completing Routine Tasks If you notice that your parent can ’ t remember where to put dirty dishes , how to use the oven or gets lost driving to a familiar place , they might be experiencing the beginning of Alzheimer ’ s or another dementia . 5 . Difficulty With Language Another warning sign of
Alzheimer ’ s is not knowing how to express oneself through language .
If a parent is having trouble finding the right words , or if they describe what something does instead of naming the item , it may be time to consult their doctor . 6 . Poor Judgment
Making poor decisions about money or other matters can be a sign of Alzheimer ’ s . Giving large amounts of money to a questionable charity , driving recklessly or demonstrating other uncharacteristically bad decisions can signal the onset of dementia . 7 . Unusual Behavior
Alzheimer ’ s affects everyone differently , so if a loved one is showing signs of other behaviors that are unusual for them — such as hiding things , using foul language or wandering — it may be time to schedule an appointment with their doctor . 8 . Changes in Grooming And Personal Hygiene
If your loved one kept their home immaculate all their life , but suddenly stops cleaning , that could be cause for concern . Any declining attention to personal care , such as infrequent bathing , wearing the same clothes day after day , or not their brushing teeth , are common indicators of dementia . 9 . Withdrawing From Friends and Family
If your loved one stops going to social events and engaging in activities they once enjoyed , that can be a red flag . Depression related to their memory lapses and difficulty communicating can also cause withdrawal from social situations .