There are several common misunderstandings
about chambers of commerce.
People often errantly believe we are a part of
city or county government, or that we are a local
chapter of the United States and/or Pennsylvania
chambers. The fact is that the Greater Scranton
Chamber of Commerce is an independent,
private, non-profi t, membership-based business
association. We are predominantly funded by our
membership in the form of dues and program
During this past month, a large and diverse group
of our members underscored the fundamental
nature of a local chamber of commerce. Through
a just completed membership drive, 51 volunteers
worked with staff to meet with, call, email, text
and/or tweet to area businesses and they brought
135 new members into our chamber’s fold. These
people gave of their time in support of our mission
to attract, sustain and grow business and jobs right
here in northeastern Pennsylvania.
We thank those dedicated volunteers and welcome
135 businesses to the more than 1,400 members
who are the Greater Scranton Chamber of
2 • The Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce
is YOU!