MOMENTUM July 2021 | Page 42

CHERYL E . JOHNSON , PCC Galveston County Tax Assessor Collector
& Voter Registrar
cheryl . E . Johnson @ co . galveston . tx . us


Appraisal notices mailed in April revealed a ROBUST real estate market for all property types with values at the highest of high . Across Galveston County , total taxable value increased nearly $ 10 billion – double that of 2020 – with $ 900 million attributed to new improvements . This means $ 9 billion in value increases for existing property owners – an astounding and historic increase .

Although who to blame remains in dispute ( the Legislature , Texas Comptroller , CAD Board of Directors or Chief Appraiser ), at the end of the day , the buck actually stops at the individual government level as each decide how much of your money to spend . In fact , right how , 68 local governments have begun the process of defining budgetary needs . At the end of July , the appraisal district will “ certify ” the 2021 appraised values and tax rate calculations and adoptions will begin . This is the assessment phase of the Texas tax calendar ( and what the Assessor part of my title speaks to ).
Embodied in the Texas Constitution and Tax Code are requirements that property owners be notified of the actions of government during this process . It is referred to as Truth in Taxation . Legislation passed two years ago provides much greater transparency , reduced spending limits and lowered school district tax rates . ( The State
“ bought down ” school district tax rates in 2019 and 2020 .). This year , the tax rate for school districts will again be “ compressed ” or reduced such that school district revenue will be the same as last year . Added to that will be a 2.5 % maximum increase in revenue plus voter approved debt . For most other governments , the limit in spending will be 3.5 %. Any increase in revenue above these levels will automatically result in a November election in which your approval will be required .
Further , in August , Texas appraisal districts will mail a postcard ( or send an email if permission has been obtained ) telling you where to view the impact of proposed tax rates on your 2021 tax bill based on the new values . We will post both on the GCAD and HCAD websites and GCTO the date , time and location of every government tax rate hearing and the telephone number and email addresses of local officials and each government office primary contact information . If all goes as intended , you will be able to complete a form and submit input right from the database . Each local government will have this same information on their websites .
This level of transparency and the reduced and simplified spending limits took multiple legislative sessions to pass into law . The intent was to make it easy for you to participate and to make the process as open and transparent as possible . Although lowered spending limits may not result in lower taxes thanks to appraisal “ creep ,” it will be easier for you to weigh in before the damage is done .
Government accountability and transparency are good things and the Texas Legislature improved both . The rest is up to you ! So please – weigh in !