MOMENTUM DEC.JAN 2021 | Page 28

JONI ROBERTSON Director of Development Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Texas
281-316-5423 | JROBERTS @ devereux . org www . devereux . org

Focusing on TOGETHERNESS During the Holidays

For many families , the holidays are spent

dashing around trying to find those perfect presents , cooking up family feasts , and scurrying from one festivity to another .
As the whirlwind weeks go by and stress levels soar , it might be time to slow down and remember what is important -- spending time with the ones you love .
Here are some tips for families to focus on togetherness during the holiday season . Tip # 1 : Enjoy the simple things It is often the most ordinary things that have the most extraordinary power . Whether it is having your child help you prepare a meal , sitting down as a family and
playing a board game , or having an older child tell a story to a younger child , life is full of magic moments that make lasting memories .
It doesn ’ t matter if the presents aren ’ t perfectly wrapped or the turkey is a tad overcooked . What matters is slowing down and focusing on enjoying the everyday moments .
Tip # 2 : Unplug from electronics It can be hard to connect with the people around us during the holidays when we are constantly glued to our smartphones , tablets , and computers . Parents wanting to set a good example cannot expect their children to disconnect from their devices if they are not willing to unplug as well . Setting aside time each day to power down your phone , put it away , and focus on family activities can have a huge impact . Tip # 3 : Respect others While the holidays are a time when family and friends come together , they are also a time when joyful gatherings can quickly turn into heated exchanges . To avoid any family squabbles this season , skip discussions around the dinner table that focus on controversial topics and focus on positive , shared interests . Remember - everyone is entitled to their opinion .
To respect someone and be empathetic toward them doesn ’ t mean agreeing with what they ’ re saying – and that ’ s OK . Sometimes agreeing to disagree is agreement enough . Tip # 4 : Lend a helping hand Helping others is not only a benefit to them , but to you as well . Offering support as a family – whether it is volunteering , going caroling at a nursing home , delivering cookies to employees at a fire station , or leaving a card in your mailbox for the mail carrier – can bring about feelings of selfworth , happiness , and even optimism .
Giving back to others and modeling that behavior for your children can really have a profound impact . Tip # 5 : Cultivate mindfulness moments If you find yourself losing focus of what the holidays are all about , utilize mindfulness techniques -- such as deep breathing -- to relax and regroup . Feel free to involve your children , if you notice they need to unwind as well .
Step outside and take a few deep breaths . This can help you return to your state of calm so , hopefully , you can get back to focusing on what ’ s important .