Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine September 2017 | Page 36

Harvey Recovery Transportation Alternatives The link below is a third-party vendor that has developed a ride-matching website service in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.  With so many people having lost their vehicle or vehicles (and maybe their only source of transportation), carpooling, transit, and other options like Uber and Lyft are good transportation alternatives.   Please distribute, as you see fit, to your membership and please ask them to distribute to their employees.  We will share additional information and resources as we become aware of them.  Also, if you know of a service that will help commuters, please let us know so that we can also distribute the information.    We invite our fellow Chamber members to The 6th Annual CRC Gala carpooling-accessible-post-harvey-chiu Saturday, February 10, 2018, 6:00 pm Heaven On Earth, Missouri City, TX Please come support our non-profit   retreat center and join the fun as we Catherine McCreight, MBA celebrate the CRC’s 50th Anniversary, Senior Transportation Planner Mardi Gras style! Texas Department of Transportation | Houston District P.O. Box 1386 | Houston, Texas 77251-1386 7600 Washington Avenue | Houston, Texas 77007   Phone | 713.802.5812 Co-Chairs for this event are: Cell | 832.654.5566 The CRC Staff and Tamara Vogt-Smith E-Mail | [email protected] Please contact the CRC for more information: save the date [email protected] 281-337-1312, ext. 18 35 MOMENTUM / September 2017