Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine September 2017 | Page 19
Business Preparation
Preparing for Hurricanes,
Your Worst Business Nightmare
Is your small- to medium-sized business prepared to survive the
physical and financial devastation of a natural disaster?
Hurricanes impact Texas Gulf Coast businesses of all sizes, but
smaller businesses can be the most severely impacted for a
number of reasons.
Smaller businesses often operate from a single location so
extensive damage or days without utilities can be devastating.
Because these operations get a majority of their business from
clients and customers in the surrounding area, income can flow
to a trickle as those clients and customers focus on their own
Small businesses also may have smaller financial reserves to
tide them over until business resumes. Researchers estimate
that small businesses lose an average of $3,000 a day after
closing due to a major storm. Research also shows that a
quarter of small- to medium-sized businesses hit by a major
storm don’t reopen.
That’s the bad news if you own a business on the Texas Gulf
Coast. The good news is that you can reduce your business’s
vulnerability by having a business resiliency and disaster
recovery plan. Most individuals on the Texas Gulf Coast have
hurricane plans for their homes but a majority of small business
owners don’t have plans to protect their livelihoods.
As with your home and personal property, have a hurricane
preparedness checklist for your business. Online checklists and
planning guides make it easy. The U.S. Small Business
Administration has a number of planning guides to help
prepare for and recover from a disaster. This will help you plan
to protect your property and important documents and data, as
well as facilitate recovery after a storm.
By: Sandy Cody
Chief Executive Officer
Draker Cody, Inc.
[email protected]
If you have employees, now is the time to ensure that
your policies address issues related to a natural
disaster. Have you shared elements of your
preparedness plan with your employees? Do you have
a crisis communications plan? If your business is shut
down temporarily, will some or all employees continue
to be paid? Will you allow them to draw on their
vacation and sick time? If banks are shut down, will you
provide payroll-cashing services?
Also consider your business’s financial needs and the
cash reserves you need to have on hand. How much
will you need to tide you over until your business is up
and running at full speed? It could be weeks or even
From our experience in helping clients develop and
test emergency preparedness plans, the depth and
breadth of each step depends on your business and
industry; federal, state or industry regulations; revenue
and expenses, product/service; home or office base;
number of employees; and customer needs.
Like many business strategic initiatives, creating a
disaster plan takes time, diligence and commitment.
The investment is worth it because it will give you great
peace of mind and will help you get back to business
faster after a storm.
MOMENTUM / September 2017