Don ’ t Go It Alone !
Why A Business
Coach Matters
Don ’ t Go It Alone !
By : Leeanne Lowe Be Ignited
Leeanne @ empiread . com
In school , students progress through each grade with guidance , instruction , assignments , accountability , feedback and metrics . Teachers create the curriculum and set the pace . Students are graded based on the degree to which they meet the teacher ’ s expectations . Once students satisfactorily meet all of the criteria , they move up to the next level and the process repeats all over again . They always know where they stand , and who to go to for help .
Once one graduates to the world of business , however , the system changes . Business owners strive to meet their business goals and grow their companies , yet often the process is undirected and lacks accountability . They are often left wondering if they are making the best decisions - adrift on a sea of choices . As a result , a business may not reach its full potential and opportunities may be missed . By providing guidance and accountability , a good business coach can help steer a business owner onto the right course .
All coaching is , is taking a player where he can ’ t take himself . -Bill McCartney
A business coach is an individual who works with you and provides perspective , evaluates plans and offers resources and advice . They help you clarify the vision and goals of your company , then guide you in creating and executing the steps to turn those objectives into reality . They work with you to create structure within your business .
When it comes to your obstacles and things you struggle with in your business , a business coach is your best friend . They have experience and an objective point of view . They are someone you can talk to in confidence to get unbiased opinions about what goes on in your business and suggestions on how to make improvements . They will help you leverage your strengths and address your weaknesses - developing the skills to captain your own ship more effectively .
In addition to being a confidant and advisor , a business coach is your accountability partner . They are committed to your success and will hold you to it . A good business coach will pay for themselves by helping you make more money . They will use their proven processes to help you identify ways of making or saving money and meeting your financial goals .
Business coaches can also help you get more leads . They typically have a wide network of contacts and resources that they will tap into for your benefit . If your business coach is skilled in marketing , they can also help you assess the quality of your prospects , identify your ideal audience , and develop a strategy for reaching them .
So if you are ready to take your business to the next level , consider hiring a business coach . Interview them to make sure they have the experience and skill set that align with your business . Then to realize the benefits , commit a year to working with them . Ultimately the results are up to you and are determined by the actions that you take , but a good business coach can help you increase those results exponentially !
MOMENTUM / Summer 2018 22