Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM Summer 2018 | Page 17

L ate in 2001, a young married couple shared a vision of carrying their family legacy from Lake Charles, Louisiana just down the Gulf Coast shoreline to Clear Lake. How the vision came is quite the story. Being active in the local church, Scott and Leslie Abraham – already working at Scott’s father’s “Abe’s Grocery” in Lake Charles – felt like God was calling them to take the Abraham name to Texas. They knew nothing of Texas, for they’d never even crossed the border. But deep inside, they felt like they were supposed to go. And go they did. They journeyed into the land of the unknown, the Lone Star State, and came upon the perfect spot to fulfill their dream. Clear Lake Texas became their new home and Abe’s Cajun Market quickly became a South Houston favorite when it came to all things Cajun. Originally, the restaurant wasn’t a restaurant. In actuality, the Abraham’s weren’t planning on selling food. Abe’s was the place to go for Cajun novelty items and gifts. Shelves were lined with knick knacks, souvenirs, candles, and anything else that you could only find across the Louisiana border. One day, about one year in to the opening of Abe’s, a patron asked Scott if he’d sell a bowl of gumbo. Well, Leslie – being the food aficionada that she is – always loves a good culinary challenge, so she dug out the old Abraham family recipes and made the first bowl of seafood gumbo that Abe’s ever served. It didn’t take long for people to realize that they’d discovered a hidden gem. The problem was, there were no tables. So, Scott and Leslie put a few tables in and turned the market into a small café. The locals couldn’t get enough though, and demanded more. Slowly but surely, Abe’s transitioned from a Cajun market to a full café and meat market. The Cajun trinkets phased out and Scott and Leslie realized what their purpose had been all along. They’d gotten the moving part down, but due to the overwhelming demand of South Houston locals for authentic Cajun cuisine, Abe’s Cajun Market was finally established as the premier Cajun restaurant in all of South Houston. Fast forward to 2018 and Abe’s has grown leaps and bounds not only in the realm of business, but in the realm of community impact. Take a look on the wall by the drink station and you can see how far the Abe’s tentacles reach when it comes to donating to different charities, schools, police and fire departments, and military branches. Abe’s is proud to say that when you walk through the front door, you’re going to get a taste of home, and hopefully a taste of the Abraham legacy of love, vision, and family. MOMENTUM / Summer 2018 16