Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM Summer 2018 | Page 10
Biz Tips
Strategic Planning is the most important function of a
CEO or business owner. It identifies where a company
wants to be at a defined point in time in the future and
what actions it is going to take to get there. Strategic
Planning is critical to the growth and success of every
company. If the company has a Board of Directors, a
formal strategic planning process enables the Board to
have a significant impact on the company’s overall
direction and on-going performance. For a company of
any size, strategic planning is the “roadmap” to future
The structure of the strategic plan is designed to carry out
strategic thinking, direction, and action leading to the
achievement of consistent planned results.
Specifically, there are 7 elements that make up every
Strategic Plan:
1. Organization Vision and Mission
2. Strategic analysis
3. Strategy
4. Long-term objectives
5. Integrated programs
6. Financial projections
7. Executive summary
The strategic aspect of the planning process is
understanding the current operating and performance
of the company and the relationship to the market,
the vision and mission of the company, the resources
and structure needed to achieve the roadmap goals,
and the summary of how the resulting strategic plan will
impact the future of the company.
A strategic plan must be a living document, clearly
communicated throughout the business, and should not be a
“fluffy” document that ends up collecting dust on a shelf and
wasted time and energy in its development. The purpose of
planning is not to produce plans; it is to produce results. A
strategic plan needs to be the result of a productive process of
committed team members led by the business owner or CEO
of a business to provide the thinking and planning for the
future success of the company, allowing for the detailed
operational planning to achieve short-term (90-day) results. It
should also define measurement performance criteria
representing the long-term success goals for the company.
In embracing the importance of strategic planning to
achieve both short term (1-3 years) and longer term (3-5
years) results, there are 4 key issues to recognize:
1. It is essential the process be led by the owner or
CEO and the executives as well as managers in the
company understand and use the planning process;
2. There must be organizational commitment to both
the planning process and the implementation of the
plan; all the participants in the process must see the
benefits to themselves personally as well as to the
company as a whole;
3. The planning process is as important as the content
of the plan itself;
4. The planning process is never done. It is part of the
overall process of managing the company and is an
ongoing process rather than an annual event.
MOMENTUM / Summer 2018
By Mike Hilderbrand, MBA, CBC, CSSC
ActionCOACH of Galveston
[email protected]
No company has the option to “hope” it will be successful;
every company must have a management-driven committed
and disciplined process of strategic planning to create a
roadmap to both short-term and long-term business and
financial success. It should be reviewed every 90 days – and
updated as needed - to ensure that it remains alive, current
and relevant. Your business coach can help you with this