Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM November 2019 | Page 18
Ham, Langston & Brezina, LLP
[email protected]
New Individual Coverage
HRA Turns the Clock Back to
Pre-ACA Health Care Options
tarting January 1, 2020, employers can offer a
new type of Health Reimbursement Account
(HRA) called the Individual Coverage HRA, or
ICHRA. The ICHRA allows you to:
• reimburse (free of payroll and income tax)
employees’ individual health care premiums and
other permitted medical expenses, up to a dollar limit
you choose—not one imposed by the government;
• offer a regular group health plan (or not—it’s your
choice) to certain employees and ICHRAs to other
• let employees pay for coverage, beyond the amount
you reimburse, via a cafeteria plan if those employees
have off-Exchange individual insurance coverage;
• offer higher reimbursement levels to older workers
and workers with more dependents;
• allow employees to roll over excess ICHRA funds from
year to year, without limitation; and
• help employees out with their health care costs
without fear of penalties.
The ICHRA is a plan for employees. It’s not for
the owners of partnerships, proprietorships, or S
Employee Eligibility
ICHRAs are available only to employees enrolled in
• individual Exchange coverage,
• other individual insurance coverage, or
• Medicare.
If you already offer a traditional group health plan,
you cannot offer an ICHRA to the employees who are
eligible for the group plan. Employers are legally barred
from giving employees a choice between a group plan
and the ICHRA.
But you can offer a traditional group health plan to
some classes of employees and the ICHRA to other
classes of employees. Classes may be distinguished on
the following factors:
• Full-time employees
• Part-time employees
• Employees working in the same geographic location
• Seasonal employees
• Employees covered by the same collective bargaining
• Employees who have not satisfied a waiting period
• Nonresident aliens with no U.S. income
• Salaried workers
• Non-salaried (e.g., hourly) workers
• Temporary employees
• Any group formed by a combination of two or more
of the groups listed above
Minimum class size requirements apply if you
are offering a traditional group health plan to some
employees and the ICHRA to other employees. The
minimum class sizes are
• 10 employees, for employers with fewer than 100
• 10 percent of the total number of employees, for
employers with 100 to 200 employees; and
• 20 employees, for employers with more than 200
The Clock Is Ticking
Employers can start offering ICHRAs on January 1,
2020. You don’t need to provide the 90 days required
notice in the first year, so you still have time to get your
plan in place before January 1. But keep in mind that
your employees will need to obtain individual insurance
coverage, and many may need to use the open
enrollment period that runs from November 1 through
December 15. This means you should have your notice
to the employees before November 1 if you want your
ICHRA effective on January 1, 2020.