Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM November 2019 | Page 16
Galveston Co. Tax Assessor Collector
[email protected]
ver the last couple of months I have shared
information on property tax law changes
that included HB 3 (school finance reform
bill), SB 2 (Property Tax Reform and
Transparency Act) and Constitutional
Propositions under consideration November 5th. This
final highlight report covers other tax legislation - most
taking effect January 1. Also, below you will see an
analysis of the average tax bill for League City and Clear
Creek ISD property owners in Galveston County which
compares 2018 to 2019. For individual tax increase or
decreases, Galveston County residents should view the
back of the 2019 tax statement for a five year history. By
the date of publication, I hope to post on my website
( at the Property Tax Information
– Entity Partners link specific historical levy (revenue)
information for each government partner (click on http://
The rest of the story on property tax changes:
Teeth has been put back into law for CADs not
complying with Comptroller review recommendations
Disabled person turning 65 may receive both
exemptions for different taxing units if it benefits them
Spouse of disabled person is entitled to tax ceiling as
long as he or she remains in the home; goes back in
time for spouses of DP who died before this bill takes
If value is lowered after an informal or formal protest it
may not be increased the next year unless supported
by clear and convincing (versus substantial) evidence.
Clear and convincing means highly likely versus
substantial which means it could be true.
Additional persons added to
confidential home address
protections (firefighter or
volunteer firefighter, EMS
personnel, a state officer
elected statewide or a member
of the legislature)
Notice of appraised value
must include explanation of all
exemptions available
Mortgage company errors may be forgiven as clerical
Auctioneers can now recoup fees from the proceeds of
a Sheriff Sale
A property owner cannot transfer right of redemption
to another after a Sheriff Sale
A property owner/agent and chief appraiser may file
a joint motion with the ARB that they have agreed to a
If a property owner has not established standing to
appeal to District Court, the Judge may remand back
to ARB (instead of dismissing the appeal)
In other news – by publication, Galveston County
Commissioners will have previewed and will hopefully
approve a new online Sheriff Sale bidding system
meaning YOU will be able to bid on these properties
from the comfort of your home, office or while on
vacation as well as bid on properties in different counties
and states! If approved, we hope to have the system
up and running no later than this spring. Expect more
information as it becomes available.
The values in the chart represent the average of the
combined taxable homestead values extracted from
ETR Worksheets. Harris County property values are NOT
included. (Recent great news for Harris County property
owners - HC Commissioners will have been forced to
adopt the effective tax rate rather than the proposed
rollback rate which prevented a 12% increase in taxes
this year which would have taken away your school tax
CONCLUSION: The average valued homeowner in
Galveston County, League City and CCISD will realize a
2% tax decrease!