Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM November 2018 | Page 14
The Business of Fitness
By: Louie Robinson, DC CES
[email protected]
Clear Creek Chiropractic Center
M any of us know the term whiplash; it’s something that
happens to you when you are in a car accident right?
Some of us are even unfortunate enough to have
experienced and suffered from whiplash. But what is it?
How does it happen? What do you do to help fix the
problem? What happens if you do nothing and let it heal
on its own?
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash typically occurs with a car accident, forces in a
car accident are so great and easily damage the body,
but it can happen with any traumatic incident that effects
the cervical spine. During a car accident the car changes
speeds dramatically, your body is restrained and
supported by the seat and seat belt. However, you head
is not and it continues in the direction of travel until it is
jerked back and forth beyond its normal limits. This
damages the ligaments, muscles, tendons and joints in
the cervical spine. These types of injuries can even occur
even at low speeds. People react quite differently than
steel, plastic, and glass. Don’t assume if the damage to
your car is minimal the damage to your body is minimal
as well. If you have pain or discomfort get checked out as
soon as possible!
How long does it take for symptoms to appear?
Symptoms can be instant but typically symptoms do not
occur immediately. Adrenaline and your body’s natural
fight or flight response will block pain signals
immediately after the accident. Pain, stiffness and
discomfort often won’t show up until hours or even days
after the accident. Inflammation and your bodies other
responses to injury may take days to build up levels high
enough to cause pain and restricted motion. Your body is
able to adapt quite well to changes in condition and
environment. When that capacity is exhausted, symptoms
will appear.
MOMENTUM / November 2018
Is the damage permanent?
Unless there is severe injury such as fracture, dislocation etc.,
patients who receive proper treatment are typically able to
return to normal within a few months. Even with severe injury
patients are able to get back to normal although the healing
process may take longer. How quickly you start receiving
treatment can affect the duration and effectiveness of healing.
The longer you wait the to get the proper help the more scar
tissue forms, then inflammation damages other yet unaffected
tissues and the longer it takes to return to normal function.
What other symptoms might I experience?
Many patients experience headaches and tension in the upper
back. Tension in the musculature of the neck can pull on the
head and shoulders causing pain. Other patients might
experience arm and hand pain, numbness and tingling. This is
because the nerves that control the arms and hands exit the
cervical spine. Inflammation and injury to the cervical spine
can cause pressure on the nerves and cause these symptoms
as well. However, once these problems in the neck are
resolved the head, shoulder, and arm pain symptoms resolve
as well.
What can I do?
Proper care from a chiropractor is essential to make sure the
body is properly healed and future problems are prevented.
This typically involves x-rays to determine if there are any
injuries we cannot see, adjustment to return joints to their
proper function, and physiotherapy to rehab muscles,
ligaments and tendons to prevent scar tissue from forming
and insure proper healing.
Can I prevent whiplash?
Whiplash is typically due to car accidents therefore defensive
driving if the best preventative. Make sure your car is in
proper working order and avoid distracted drivers. Also make
sure your head rest is in the proper position so to prevent your
head from getting jerked back and forth.