Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM May 2019 | Page 18

BUSINESS ETIQUETTE DOREEN HUGHES Open for Business Consulting & John Maxwell Business/Leadership Coach [email protected] What is Business ETIQUETTE? B usiness etiquette, is about building relationships with other people and working professionally in a friendly, respective manner. It is not about rules and regulations to follow, rather it is about providing basic social comfort and creating an environment where others feel comfortable and secure. Good business etiquette will set your business apart, with customers, clients, co-workers and your employees. Business etiquette is easily noticeable, both when it is present and absent. Below are five basic etiquette rules: 1. Be on time. Start out every interaction, be it a networking event, customer site visit, co-worker, colleague, employer or business acquaintance. Show up on a positive note rather than having to start out by apologizing for being late. Arriving at a meeting exactly at the appointed time can make you feel rushed and you will look it, trust me. Time is a commodity; by being on time, you show your respect for others. At the same time, if you are facilitating, ending on time is also a mark of respect, for others. You will have more participation when people know you will start and end on time! 2. Use “Please,” “Thank you” and “You’re Welcome.” “Please” turns a demand into a request. “Thank you” changes an expectation into an appreciation. “You’re welcome” acknowledges the other person’s thanks, it makes a tremendous difference in the way you are perceived. Your good manners show that you acknowledge those around you and are considerate of their presence. Avoid discussing political or religious matters in the workplace. 3. Dress Appropriately for Work – You are going to work, not to play! While appropriate business attire varies from job field to job field along with our temperature, some things remain the same. Clean clothing, without body parts hanging out is pretty standard. Look around at the people around for ideas to see what sort of clothing they are wearing. 4. Watch Your Body Language it speaks louder than words! A handshake is still the typical greeting in most workplaces, in some circles fist bump is acceptable. Say hello with a firm but quick 16 MOMENTUM handshake. This handshake is the extent of how much you should ever touch a co-worker – when it doubt, just don’t touch. Hugs or other types of affection that you share with friends and family are out of place in the workplace. 5. Avoid Gossip or eavesdropping – This is big one! Gossiping, saying negative things about someone or eavesdropping are childish behaviors that have no place in the workplace. If you hear a rumor about someone, do not pass it on. If you believe someone is being gossiped about, you have a choice; join in or walk away. Because you have a beef with someone, it does not give you the right to spread negative things about the person. People don’t always know or remember who starts a rumor, but they always remember who spreads it and you will be talked about, as well!