Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM May 2018 | Page 23
Board Member
Bill Provenzano
Hometown Bank of League City
Q: When did you first start getting involved in the thought that I could bring experience to the table and
Chamber of Commerce? share my knowledge with other Board members as well
A: I have worked for HomeTown bank since 2011 and as business owners. Additionally, HomeTown bank has
in June 2015 our League City Bank Manager retired been a Chamber member since opening their doors in
and I was asked if I wanted my own branch. I relocated League City in 2005.
from the HomeTown bank in Friendswood to League
City and was contacted immediately by Steve Paterson Q: What would you tell someone who is thinking about
and Bonnie Lem to talk about me getting on the Board joining the Chamber in order to convince them to join?
of Directors since they knew of my involvement in the A: I would tell them that the Chamber is a great place to
Friendswood Chamber for 8 years prior to 2015. meet business leaders and business owners, a place to
network and share ideas, a place that is genuinely
Q: Why do you believe in working with the Chamber of focused on helping businesses feel welcomed in the
Commerce? Community.
A: I consider it giving back to the community and to
local businesses. Chambers promote local business Q: What do you look forward to as the Chairman of the
networking and coordinate events in the community Board in 2019?
that benefit us all. A: I look forward to building on the great progress the
current Board is achieving, working with new Board
Q: Why did you decide to become a board member? members and promoting local businesses.
A: Having worked in the Friendswood Community and
a member of the Chamber of Commerce there (8 years
on the Board and 3 years as Chairman of the Board), I
MOMENTUM / May 2018