Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine Momentum May 2017 | Page 37
Beyond Business
By: Cynthia Rando
Sophic Synergistics
When you live an entrepreneurial lifestyle, stopping to smell
the roses is never on the “to do” list and time off doesn’t
exist! However, I decided to do the impossible and take a
few days “off” to reflect, refocus and reprioritize. What better
place to spend a few days away then the happiest place on
earth, where magic and inspiration is all around! Leaving
Houston, I was struggling with the inspiration for this
month’s article and was feeling burned out. While walking
around the park enjoying some fresh air and the chance to
be outside, my attention was drawn to a Finding Dory t-shirt
with the popular phrase “Just Keep Swimming”. I believe in
signs and this one couldn’t have been more appropriate for
this point in my journey. right and paving the way for a future ripe with
opportunity, if I were willing to “Just Keep Swimming”.
I hadn’t given these accomplishments their due, I
was too busy just swimming! Don’t get me wrong,
you have to work hard every day and swim as if your
life depended on it, but if you don’t take a break you
will miss the hidden opportunities and motivations
attached to those seemingly inconsequential
accomplishments. Worse yet, you may miss life
lessons you are doomed to repeat if you don’t apply
the lessons. Eventually costing you potential success
and the experience of the journey what you will learn
is part of the success!
It’s difficult to draw a picture of a day in the life of an
entrepreneur, but it is filled with ups and downs often wilder
than any roller coaster ride. Good things happen, but your
path is paved with far more challenges and obstacles to
overcome. On your journey, you will receive more rejections
and failed attempts at success then you will actually succeed.
When this begins to feel overwhelming and you are at the
point of giving up, that is when you have to “Just Keep
Swimming”! Your path is often upstream, against heavy
current and fraught with competition that is often larger with
greater resources. You will always be exhausted, but there is
no option to stop and you have to be able to handle anything
that comes your way: the good, the bad, and the ugly. It truly
is about being a survivor and not necessarily about being
the best product or service provider. Only the strong of
heart will make it and decide to “Just Keep Swimming”. It was amazing to see that the seeds were starting to
grow where I least expected! With renewed spirit and
energy, I boarded my flight back to Houston ready to
“Just Keep Swimming”. With one minor adjustment,
a promise to periodically find a shallow end, stand
up and take a look around to appreciate the journey,
the experiences and what awaits upstream.
This trip provided me with perspective, which was only
achievable when I stopped swimming for a moment. Leaving
the hustle and bustle of meetings and deadlines behind, I
was able to see what I was unable to before, just how far I
had swum. Specifically, all of the little things that were going