Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine Momentum May 2017 | Page 25

The Pitfalls of Falling

By : Gabriel Torre Marketing Image Companies

B alancing exercise are very important as we grow older . The body changes and we lose the proper muscle tones and hence the need .

I can vouch for the importance of balancing . I am an active 86 workaholic . I watch my diet ... exercise ... balancing therapy daily ... all of these have an profound effect on my everyday life . Please note : it is very important to be aware that not everyone is equal in size or muscle tone . " Different strokes for different folks "
Consult with your Doctor to recommend the correct program that fits your needs .
A person with balance problems may experience tripping , swaying , or stumbling and just end up falling . Although a person ' s basic balance may be fine when standing still or just performing a small , single task , dramatic balance problems may become apparent when a person is moving about or trying to do more than one task at a time .
They are trained to evaluate multiple systems of the body , including the muscles , joints and can prescribe active movement techniques and physical exercise to improve your balance & movement .
How can a Physical Therapist Help you ?
* Reduce Fall Risk . * Improve Your Mobility . * Improve Balance . * Improve Strength . * Improve Movement . * Improve Flexibility & Posture .
There are also some thing you need to do on your own , such as visiting your ear doctor to check your inner & outer ear status , visiting your optomatrist to ensure your vision is currect and reviewing your current meds with your doctor to see if any are affecting your balance .
Falls are a major issue for elderly people . It is a leading cause of unintentional injury among adults ages 65 years and older .
A balance problem , may be become a frustration and could lead to depression .
A physical therapist can offer numerous options for treating balance problems based on each