Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM March 2020 | Page 32

BUSINESS OF LEADERSHIP BONNIE BENKULA, BSHCA, MBA First Choice Business Brokers The John Maxwell TEAM LEADERS Take the FIRST STEP FIRST E ver known anyone that was just getting through the day? I mean someone seems to have it all, but feels dazed and confused? Time flies in this lifetime and your dreams need to be stepped toward and not backed down. Life is short. It’s time again to ask yourself, “Am I really living the dream I had for my life?” A client shared with me that he was feeling like a “zombie” at the end of each day. He said after being exhausted from work, he felt like he was walking into his next “job” when he got home. He said he was “fried” and “burnt out.” When asked what he was doing to make a change, he said he was “just hoping that tomorrow would be better.” We agreed hope is good, but eventually decided that action is better. When you are running on empty and “hoping” to find a spark to lighten your life, it can be difficult to just get through another day, much less envision the goals and dreams you once had for your life. But never fear, at some point in most individuals lives they live in this chaos – but please keep it short. The challenge can occur when one gets stuck in this cycle and can’t get out. Being stuck in this cycle leads to unhappiness, stress, depression, lack of hope and even health issues. Herein lies the real danger. Is there joy when you wake up in the morning – are you doing what you thought you’d be doing? Are you living to your full potential? We’ve all heard the saying, “if you love what you’re doing, you’ll never work a day in your life.” One might interpret this to say, if you are passionate about your work, if you would work for free doing what you do, if you have a hard time getting yourself to slow down in your job because you love it, you might be where you were meant to be. So much easier said than done. But if the thought in your head is, “there has to be more to life than this” then it might be time to make a change; invest in personal development, hire a life coach or to even begin to take one step a day to start reaching for your true purpose in life and living your best life! Research shows the most successful players in life need a coach from time to time. The client I mentioned above became exceptional, the moment he made an exceptional decision. He decided to put his physical and mental health first. He decided to invest in himself. He developed a renewed commitment his dreams for the long term and he took small steps that led to massive action. His decisions not only helped him, but helped his family, his company and put balance into his life. Is it time to get your lives balanced? It’s not enough to know what to do, you have to do it! First, be honest with yourself about your goals and dreams. Second, take any action; make that call, open that business, claim your dream. Third, be prepared to outwork others, to execute daily and go from 70% effort to 100% living! Get your hustle back and build up equity in your life and those around you by doing what you love and taking care of yourself. When someone is passionate, and they want it bad enough, they will it into existence. They will seek continual learning and personal development. Don’t lose your curiosity and quit wasting time. Find a challenging learning environment, a positive circle of achievers and take that first step forward. You never know who might be there to help you. Leaders take the first step first – that’s what we do.