Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM February 2020 | Page 22
ActionCOACH of Galveston
[email protected]
hink about it. You frequent a business not only
because you like the product they offer, but
because the service they deliver to you is what
you want, need and expect. Isn’t that right?
How often do you return to a business when
the service you get is below your expectation? Maybe
one more time - because you’re a nice person and want
to give them the benefit of the doubt. But if the service
they provide is sub-par on the second visit, you probably
will find another place to get the product you need.
The same is true for your customers. Every time they
walk into your store, visit your office or talk with you
on the phone, they are evaluating the service you are
providing. If your interaction with them is below their
expectations, they will begin thinking about how to get
the product they need from another source. You must be
aware and tuned in to how your customers are feeling
about doing business with you.
You must “master” the art of delivering great service
to your customers. You cannot rely on your team
members to do the right thing without having customer
service standards that you have specifically designed
for your business. You must take charge of the delivery
experience and put in place the processes, tools and
methods that will ensure the same high standard of
quality is delivered every time.
First, you must know your goals for delivery. You
must have a good idea of the “feeling” you want your
customers to get when they do business with you. This
will be the basis for the specific step-by-step processes
that you will use to deliver that feeling every time you
interact with your customers. What is the feeling you want
your customers to get when they do business with you?
Next, you must understand the critical elements of
successful delivery performance for your business. How
critical is having the right inventory available? How
important is the look and feel of your business to the
impression you make and message customers get? How
critical is the quality of the product you are delivering?
How does your customer see quality - from the
packaging, from the touch and feel, from your website
look? How about the tone of voice used when speaking
with your customers - either in person or on the phone?
Each of these impressions influences the delivery
experience that your
customers have with you. As
the business owner, you must
set the standards you expect in
each of these areas of delivery.
You must define the level of
inventory you want to maintain,
the cleanliness of your shop
or office, the dress of your
team members, and the scripts
used when answering the
phone. Each of these must
link together to provide the
complete delivery experience
your customers are expecting.
Your challenge is to define
your expectations for delivery,
and then make sure they are
faithfully met every time you
engage with a customer. Hold
your team accountable to
these standards and you will
be well on your way towards
Delivery Mastery in your