Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM December 2018 | Page 28
Health & Fitness
Set Yourself Up For
When Starting a New Diet!
By: Louie Robinson, DC, CES
Clear Creek Chiropractic Center
[email protected]
The important things you need to do when starting a new
diet is set realistic goals, create a plan, and start
implementing that plan one step at a time.
Remember changing the way you look means changing the
way you live. Your lifestyle is what created your current
appearance so only changing your lifestyle will change your
appearance long term.
First you need to set realistic goals. If you want to lose 40lbs
in 2 weeks that’s never going to happen unless you want to
try and put yourself in the hospital. A healthy level of weight
loss is 2lbs per week. Typically losing weight faster than that
can cause your body to think it is starving which would slow
your rate of fat loss eventually down to none. So, set your
monthly weight loss goals for 8-10lbs.
Next make sure your exercise plan is something you can fit
in your schedule and it’s something you enjoy. If you do not
like to run and you’re not a morning person, don’t trying
and get up and 5am to run every day. You will find an
excuse to avoid it. Find something you like to do and do
that. If you aren’t sure what you like to do start trying
different things every week. Maybe join an exercise group
such as a jogging or biking group. Having an obligation to
show up with another person, especially a group of people,
will help motivate you to participate.
MOMENTUM / December 2018
Another great way to motivate yourself is find others who
are at the fitness level you’re wanting to achieve and get
a mentor/coach. Someone who has been where you are
and is where you want to be can be a fantastic resource.
Use them to learn things that worked for them and
things to avoid. Having others around you who are
motivated and healthy will only help motivate you.
Finally, when starting a new diet plan and/or exercise
routine it is vitally important to take it one step at a time.
Trying to do everything all at once will typically be
overwhelming. Start with small simple things that are
easy for you to do consistently and build on those
things. Remember no matter what you do the most
important thing is consistency! Start making a few
healthy choices consistently and that will motivate you to
do more and more.
Set yourself up for success from the start and you will
have a much higher chance of making the changes you
want permanently.