Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM December 2018 | Page 10
Biz Tips
The Keys To
Business Success
By Mike Hilderbrand, MBA, CBC, CSSC
ActionCOACH of Galveston
[email protected]
W hat
is the
determinant of a
The great motivator and speaker E. James Rohn advises:
"Work harder on yourself than you do on your job."
business success?
• A Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?
• Having the lowest prices?
• Great sales people?
• The best location?
• The best products?
• Good customer service?
• A strong local economy?
If you are serious about your business and what you want
to get out of life, you must dedicate 5-10% of your time
to self-development.
To answer a question that we get many times when
making the previous statement to our clients --- Yes, you
must set aside some money to pay for it. Rest assured,
though, this money will likely give you the highest ROI
(return on investment) possible of the many investments
you make over the course of a year. After all, you are the
person that can increase your profits by 50% or more.
There is no better time than now to make a commitment
to yourself. Get out your calendar right now and block
off 30-60 minutes every day for self-development, for the
next 12 months. Next, write down specifically what you
are going to do with this time for the next two weeks. At
the end of two weeks, you should be able to detail your
development plan for the next month, then the next
While these are all factors, based on my experience
working with all kinds of different business owners in all
kinds of different businesses, the most important
determinant is you - the business owner. History is riddled
with examples of successful businesses that have failed
with a new owner and previously lackluster businesses that
have flourished under new ownership.
As a result, you are your most important business project.
As such, you should be making significant investments in
yourself. This includes reading books, examining your
strengths and weaknesses, setting development goals for
yourself, seeking outside advice, tracking your own
personal development and getting a mentor to keep you
on track.
You probably spend plenty of your company’s money
developing and maintaining the physical assets of your
business, but how much time and money do you spend on
developing yourself? And, I mean the "whole" you.
MOMENTUM / December 2018
A corollary quote from Jim Rohn: "Never wish your job
were easier, wish you were better," explains this. Think
about it: If you are better, you will get better results. If
you wish for it then you are more likely to find a way to
make it happen.
If, on the other hand, your job was to be easier, then
everyone would want to do it and you would be back to
square one.