MOMENTUM April 2021 | Page 34

JOHNNY WHITE Johnny White State Farm
281-333-5050 Johnny . White . b9vd @ statefarm . com | www . JohnnyWhiteInsurance . com

Don ’ t Let Your Insurance Company FREEZE YOU OUT !

I have been in business for over 45 years , and I would like to share some common mistakes people make when dealing with a home disaster . Whether you have experienced a flood from the most recent freeze or need to prepare for a hurricane , here are some tips and suggestions that you may find useful .

Take Photos ! It is so easy nowadays to take lots of photos before an impending disaster . With freeze disasters or hurricanes , you receive a warning a few days or more before the storm hits . You have plenty of time to take pictures . Why don ’ t people do this ? Is it wishful thinking that the storm will not hurt your house ? Like the old saying goes , a picture is worth a thousand words ! Do not skimp on taking photos of everything in and out of your property ! You never know when you will need them . Photos help you remember what you had ( have ) and prove to the adjuster that you had the items . You still have the problem of make / models / quality / age , but at least it is a starting point .
Have Supplies on Hand If you have ever gone to the grocery store when a hurricane is about to hit , you know the sinking feeling you get staring at empty store shelves . Have supplies on hand before the disaster hits ! A little preparation before the disaster goes a long way . Do you have ample food ? Do you need gas in your car ? Do you need cash since the ATM ’ s may not work ? Do you have drinking water / paper towels / medicine / other essentials that
you cannot get while in the disaster . Do you have a contingency plan if you lose your utilities ( electricity / gas / water ? Generator manufacturers see a spike in calls after a disaster but just having minimal supplies such as bottled water / propane grills / paper products / insulation for pipes , doors and windows will go a long way .
You have three choices in dealing with your home water supply when a freeze happens :
Let the Faucets Drip or Run
This is usually the best idea but can cause problems . For example , when a faucet that has hot and cold on the same faucet , how do you know that its running both sides ? How much water should drip ? Municipalities hate this one since it drops the water pressure for everyone . If done properly , this may be your best choice
Turn the Water Off Completely Turn the entire water to the property off and drain the pipes . Be sure and open all faucets . If you lose electricity , this is probably the safest option . You can run the risk of not getting all the water out of the system . Without power , water can freeze in the lines and burst the pipe somewhere . If your temperature inside is under 55 degrees , insurance companies do not like to pay the claim unless you turn the water off and drain the lines .
Do Nothing Everyone knows that this is not a good idea !