Moments of Motherhood Inaugural Issue (June 2019) | Page 21

Memorial Tributes For those of you whose mothers are deceased, you will be able to submit a memorial tribute of your mom. These tributes will include a photo of your mother and any information you'd like to share about her. This is your opportunity to tell us what made your mom such a phenomenal woman. Template available for you to use as a guide. Mama Got This! Okay mom, every now and then, you need to let people know you can handle whatever you're facing. Sometimes you just need to remind yourself! Whether it's the kids getting on your last nerve or your co­worker trying to get all up in your business or your fellow church members insisting on shaming the devil with their lies and gossip, here is how you let people know you're not going out like that! And whatever you say and however you say it, don't forget to end it with "Mama Got This!" Template available for you to use as a guide. 50 words or less. To request a template so you can submit content for any of these features, please email [email protected].