Choose Love
Join the
Love or fear?
Fox Squad
“I learned many, many lessons from my
father, but not least of which is that you
can fail at something you don’t want, so
you might as well take a chance doing
what you love.” - Jim Carrey
The fox squad is a very special group of Molly and Fox
readers who decided that enjoying great content each month
just wasn’t enough for them.
They wanted MORE! They wanted to be involved and who
were we to stop them! And so the squad was born.
We are always looking for new members who are willing to
help grow the Molly and Fox community by sharing about
the mag with their friends, participating in focus groups,
providing us regular feedback about what they do and don’t
like in each issue as well as ideas for future content or
promotional opp’s.
As a fox squad members you will get early access to each
issue of the mag, the chance to have your articles published
and special member only offers.
So if you would like to join the fox squad email us at
[email protected] and tell us what you think it is to
be a girl in today’s world and why you want to join us.