MOI magazine Dec/Jan/Feb 2018-2019 Issuu | Page 2

MOI Lettre De L’ Éditeur I am excited to have worked with Makeup Artist Donna Sousa From Rhode Island, Ms Sousa came down to Nottoway Plantation in White Castle, Louisiana. Ms Sousa brought an entourage of makeup artist, hair stylist, designers, artist, models and photographers all from different parts of the world. The photo shoot was three days including one day in the French Quarter. MOI magazine asked the photographers to have their photos published with us first. The photos that you will see is actually Part one. Part two consist of a wedding concepts with four photographers with numerous designers. Those photos will be shown during our March 2019 Issue. Another Designer that we love working with is Sandhya Garg. One of our favorites designers with her very hip style and color concepts from around the world. Photographers Jim Setzer and Aliona Kuznetsova who submitted photos bringing in different styles and concepts. Its totally surprising. MOI magazine loves seeing their work. Nicely done. We also have our concert and writer photographer Steve Hatley. Steve had the privileged to photograph Taylor Swift who played at the Mercedes-Bendz Superdome Finally, we have two models submitted their photos for the models of the month. MOI magazine has decided to do this more often just to have models noticed. We love the idea and will continue to do so. Happy New Year and we hope you enjoy this Quarter MOI magazine issue. Gustavo Escanelle 2