Lettre De L’ Éditeur
We have a great submission from photographer Aliona Kuznetsova working with model Alex and makeup
artist Phiphi Liang. Great team work, can’t wait to see more on the collaboration. We also featuring a new
writer by the name of Perry Blanchard. Mr. Blanchard covered the U2 band that recently played at the
Mercedes Benz Superdome, with MOI Staff photographer Steve Hatley. Mr Blanchard will begin covering
more music venues along with MOI staff photographers Steve Hatley and Tom Pumphret. So keep an eye out
on these two photographers.
Two more awesome photographers that have great skills in fashion are Christina Weeks and Chet Overall.
Ms. Weeks is a known photographer from the Mississippi Coast, as well as, New Orleans. Ms. Weeks created
a team of models and brought her vision thats called INDUSTRIAL. Mr. Overall a talented photographer in
the fashion industry submitted photos that he created in recent months, which were exceptionally great.
Fashion designer Nina’s Angels, I can only express that working with Nina’s Angels was a wonderful
expierence she is easy to work with and is enthusiastic about her line. I mentioned to Nina about doing a
photoshoot on a roof top, she kindly agreed. Nina’s Angels lingerie designs are beautiful and helped the
photoshoot become a success.
My good friend makeup artist Bryan Metoyer was also involved in the photoshoot with Nina, and did a
fabulous job, as a make up artist. Bryan is considered the new kid on the block as a makeup artist , so watch
out for talented makeup artist, who is currently working with Maison De Cheveux Salon in the Business
Maison De Cheveux Salon Head Chief in Charge Nicolle Turner along with her fantastic team Emily
Cassanova, Jimmy Bui, Sophia Simon, Allie Artigue all done a great job while working with their own
clients. Its a great spot to visit, Maison De Cheveux.
The wonderful vibrant and gracious Cari Roy, New Orleans Psychic medium astrologer who is the easiest
person to talk to saw my vision and join the fashionista band wagon. with little guidance. MOI magazine just
would not be same without Cari, I thank you my dear.
Finally, Fashion Designer De Andre Beverly and the powerful model Tiffany Powell, what a great team. Sir
Beverly brought his magic from the runway to the magazine. We had the pleasure working with Sir Beverly
and he delivered. Great job, have a few surprises for you all, in the December issue so stay tuned.
Gustavo Escanelle
Designer: Emily Riché
Model: Helena Koclanes
Hair Stylist: Roxie Diaz
Makeup: Midori Tajiri Byrd
Stylist: Kelly Chauvin
Photographer: Gustavo Escanelle