My primary interest has always been acting. But I’m a workaholic, so if I don’t have enough acting projects,
I create work for myself. I’m writing a few features and I’m probably about 1/3 done with each one of them,
mostly because right now I’m working on other people’s stuff. So if my producing slows down, or if I take a
break from it, I’ll definitely focus on finishing my pieces. I think I’ll probably never stop producing because if I
see something that could become something really good how can I say no? You just find time, you make time.
In the meantime, I constantly take acting classes. I improve myself. I will never give up acting because it is
that is so magical, it’s transforming, it’s so delightful, it makes me happy, and it gives me an opportunity to feel
like I’m someone else when I’m not, when I play a character. So yeah, I just want to do it all.
Have you ever produced anything you ever acted in as well?
Was that hard to play both those roles?
So when you moved here it wasn’t like you had planned to live
Exactly. It’s the charm. It’s New Orleans charm and culture. And
it’s so different and so inspiring. It brings all the good energy and
you actually want to create. It sucks you in, you get stuck but in
a good way. So I want to exhaust all resources here and make as
much as I can. Because it’s the place to do that.
What advice do you wish someone would you give to someone
that wants to become a producer that you wish someone would
have given you?
Yes, yes it’s hard, but it’s even harder to direct
and act. I made a short film that way once
and I’ve never even edited it yet. But mostly
because I haven’t had the time.
I knew what I was getting myself into. (Laughing) Perhaps, to
be patient and to keep in mind that producing independent films
usually doesn’t bring returns, or at least not right away.
From that experience did you learn that
maybe that’s not something you should do
in the future?
Us Against The World written and directed by Andrea Kuehnel
I learned that I’m a good delegator. I can find
people to do things for me, I don’t have to do
it all in one project. If I could just act, or in
another just produce, I mean I could do both
too but it’s harder, and that’s why you have
other people to help you.
Have you ever thought of just directing?
I directed a few shorts, but I think I’m going to save directing till after I’m 30 or
something like that. Right now I just want to act and produce.
One of the first goals is to support local independent
filmmaking. Right now we have a script that will be shot in 3
other states besides Louisiana. I think we can do multiple states. It
doesn’t have to be local, but local is our primary focus.
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our up and
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Photo Credit: Victor Nguyen
So you have a feature coming up that you’re working on?
I constantly get feature scripts submitted to me for consideration. Since my partner and I are in the middle of
creating a production company we should probably take on one or two of them very soon.
With a feature, if it’s a full budget, you need about a year just to start pre production. To obtain all the funds it
takes about 6 months to get funds liquid from investors and all the paperwork all the legal stuff, but we may
make an indie feature this year towards the end of the year, with the same team that we did the last feature.
Rite written and directed by Morgan Roberts
Must put
in the subject
Once you start you Production Company, do plan to produce films out of New Orleans?