Some people dream of success..
others make it happen!
From the City of Kingman Building Division:
Including the month of September there was a 36.9‐percent
increase in new housing starts over the first nine months of
2014. This means the City has issued 167 housing starts the
first nine months of 2015 compared to 152 for all of 2014.
There were 122 new housing starts during the first nine
months of 2014. Conversely, in September there were no
commercial building starts but building permits were issued to
remodel 16 exis ng commercial buildings. Six new commercial
building permits were issued so far in 2015, compared to
seven for all of 2014.
Overall, building ac vity is up 8.2‐percent, in terms of total
permits, from this me last year. Regarding total building
valua on, the City is up 30‐percent from this me last year.
RE/MAX Pres ge Proper es, 2404 Stockton Hill Road, Ste A, Kingman, AZ 86401